Monday, May 31, 2010

Update May 2010

It’s been awhile since I have done a blog. Plenty has been happening. You may have noticed has taken a new life. I have a 'webmaster' who has revolutionised the site and opened it up to reflect changes in direction and the installation of my publications in the format of eBooks.

I have found myself as part of the production line in producing eBooks. 'Harmonious Chi Gardening' is on the site and 'Wondrous Little Character Called Chi' is about there. Wondrous Character is a great read and offers an unique insight to Chi. If you get a chance to read one or the other (or both), do so and let me know what you think.

I finally got a chance to go over to China and did so last month for two weeks.
I had the opportunity to see the Black and Red Pandas at Chengdu and while in the city saw the Grand Buddha of Leshan (71 metres in height) and took a public bus out to the holy Taoist mountain of Qingcheng Shan and trod on the steps ancient Taoists would have done so a thousand or so years before. I have prepared some articles on the trip and these will be installed on the website very soon.

A highlight of the China experience was getting down to Guilin and onwards to Yangshuo and the Karst limestone peaks and valleys famous for its incredible scenery. The Chi of the area was empowering and enlightened me to the foundations of Feng Shui thought and practice.

What’s up ahead? I have another garden to ‘’Chi up’’ down here at Arrawarra on the NSW Mid North Coast of Australia. I’ll remodel it for beneficial Chi accumulation and hopefully produce a good feel approach to it. As an aside, I still like to look at gardens and hopefully offer advice in their Chi flow and enhancement. Those who live in South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales get in touch and I’ll come along for a wander. Bring your friends and make an occasion of it.

Ross Lamond

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